First of all, I have to say that it isn`t easy to learn something about walnut ink. Of course, there are many homemade recipes all over the Internet, but lack of serious historical sources is alarming. We have many written examples of recipes for medieval iron gall inks, but not single one for walnut ink. More confusing, the Internet says over and over that walnut ink was used by Old masters, especially by Da Vinci and Rembrandt[1]. But again, no credible source of this information could be found.
First of all, I have to say that it isn`t easy to learn something about walnut ink. Of course, there are many homemade recipes all over the Internet, but lack of serious historical sources is alarming. We have many written examples of recipes for medieval iron gall inks, but not single one for walnut ink. More confusing, the Internet says over and over that walnut ink was used by Old masters, especially by Da Vinci and Rembrandt[1]. But again, no credible source of this information could be found.